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Student Projects

Our members have been able to work on a multiple projects, topics of which, spread across various fields of study. Most projects were done through R and Python and includes Data Cleaning, Feature Engineering, Data Visualization, and ML Models. 

2022 Projects:

Flight Delay Patterns

Flight Delay Patterns

by Amir Zarandi

Assault Crime In Chicago Based on Month and Temperature

Assault Crime In Chicago Based on Month and Temperature

by Colin, Irene, & Andrea

World Energy Consumption Analysis

World Energy Consumption Analysis

by Dieter Gonzalo Treneman Navarro​

2020 Elections Analysis

2020 Elections Analysis

by Raian Rith

Smoking vs GPA Analysis

Smoking vs GPA Analysis

by Mohamed Khalil Ben Nasr, Rodrigo Angulo, and Youssef Ben Nasr

US Education Cost Analysis

US Education Cost Analysis

by Connor Carnero & Jack Stuart

Suicide Rates & Possible Causes

Suicide Rates & Possible Causes

by Nina Austria

Obesity Around the World

Obesity Around the World

by Midushi Ghimire & Zakirul Khan

Chess Data Analysis

Chess Data Analysis

by Alibek Mamyrbay

Spam Email Classifier

Spam Email Classifier

by Raian Rith

World Happiness Score

World Happiness Score

by Nafis Ahmed Munim

ACS Data Anaysis

ACS Data Anaysis

by Nafis Ahmed Munim

2023 Projects:

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